Gist Crossword Loader
crosswords / gist
You can use this page to share your own crosswords made using the crossword setting tool.
- Create a crossword grid using the crossword setting tool.
- Copy the JSON output shown on the bottom of the page and paste into a new public GitHub Gist. Save it with a filename ending ".json".
- Edit the json to set the text for each clue. You can also add spaces and dashes to the solution to ensure the solution identity shows correctly.
- Once happy, save your gist. From the url, grab the gist id and paste it into the box above. For example, if the gist page url is
and paste it into the box above. - Hit Load and the page should refresh and your puzzle will be shown. Share this page (you'll now see the gist id in the url) and give to others to solve your puzzle!